A American Association for Thoracic Surgery (AATS) promoverá uma conferência online de 30 de abril a 2 de maio. No evento, serão debatidos temas como o gerenciamento do AAE, ablação cirúrgica e estratégias para controle da dor na cirurgia torácica.

Para mais informações e inscrição, clique aqui.

Confira a seguir os temas promovidos pela AtriCure.

• 01/05 (sábado), das 10h às 11h45 (horário de Brasília) – Adult Cardiac: aMAZEing atrial fibrillation surgery.
• 02/05 (domingo), das 10h às 11h45 (horário de Brasília) – Adult Cardiac: Arrhythmia Surgery and Left Atrial Appendage Surgery Devices.

De 30/04 a 02/05, das 13h50 às 14h40 (horário de Brasília).

Tema: Pain Management Strategies in Cardiothoracic and Chest Wall Surgery Patients: Examine the challenges of post-thoracotomy pain and review the role of Cryoablation for improving postoperative pain control in patients undergoing thoracic surgery.
Cirurgiões palestrantes:
• Mario Gasparri
• Dawn Jaroszewski
• Samine Ravanbakhsh

Tema: Surgical Ablation for AF: Perception and Reality: Review the current state of surgical ablation, assess existing barriers to implementation of concomitant AF ablation, and recommended approaches to overcome associated barriers, as well as how to establish a collaboration with the EPs/Cardiologists and senior partners. Case presentations will illustrative optimal clinical decision-making strategies and procedural approaches for managing surgical AF patients.
Cirurgiões palestrantes:
• Niv Ad
• Gorav Ailawadi
• HelenMari Merritt-Genore
• Isaac George